Sunday, April 24, 2011

last pin up


  1. again, great drawings, praew. the circulation drawing is improving. consider adding 'circulation' of waste material or compost to this diagram or even a separate map. how does the movement of waste material relate to the movement of people through your site? how is the sequence of experiences affected by the waste processing process?

  2. the perspective rendering is dramatic, but the mounds seem too large, like they are part of a mountain range. test this by taking a similar perspective from your digital model. the bridge in this image is very interesting and may deserve a quick section detail to explain the important features and how they relate to your design (materials, railing, accurate width, etc). do you want visitors to feel like the sky and hills blend together or are they clearly distinct forms? since BKK is so flat, your mounds could become a new skyline for this part of the city. look at the work of george hargreaves or charles jencks who manipulate the ground to create interesting edges agains the sky. james turrell's work at the roden crater could be a good case study, too.

  3. great job praew! i look forward to seeing the final work.
